Sans Pareil searches for exceptional tobacco at every turn for cigars. Exceptional tobacco results from growing in the most ideal conditions. This includes the seed, soil, amount of sunlight, and water. Once it has been harvested, unlocking the potential of exceptional tobacco means one must first have the skill and desire to identify and set it aside for cigar rolling.
Exceptional tobacco is often fermented more than once to ensure imperfections are removed for the best smoking experience. This is how the tobacco becomes smooth and silky on the palate. After the imperfections are removed, the tobacco is aged. Aging is often referred to as “putting the tobacco to sleep.” During this time, over several years, the tobacco rests, and the flavors are naturally enhanced.
Sans Pareil is confident when one smokes a Sans Pareil cigar, the quality of tobacco in the blends will be noticed. Now, with Sans Pareil, anyone can procure and enjoy this experience.
The wrapper is an Ecuadorian Corojo Elite Selection.
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12003 Huebner
San Antonio, TX 78230
Mon-Sat: 10-9
Sun: 12-6
2235 Thousand Oaks Ste 104
San Antonio, TX 78232
Mon-Sat: 10-9
Sun: 12-6
7074 San Pedro Ave
San Antonio, TX 78216
Mon-Sat: 8:30-8
Sun: 11-5
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