S.T. Dupont Line 2 High Roller Lighter

*This item may be in-stock in one of our locations but is Not Available for Purchase Online, In-Store Only – Please call 210-824-1209, email info@clubhumidor.com , or Text Us to order

Inspired by the dazzling city of Las Vegas S.T. Dupont expertly crafts a new ‘perfect ping’ Line 2 lighter with unmatched vibrancy and artistry.

The top and sides of each lighter feature S.T. Dupont’s classic ‘micro diamond head’ engraving perfectly accenting the joyful images of the lighters. The top of the lighter is adorned with the S.T. Dupont logo and the ignition roller is engraved with 24 grooved lines to enhance grip when igniting your iconic Line 2 soft-flame lighter.

Item# 16396

*Lighters are not shipped with Butane


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