Davidoff Grand Diademas Finas Limited Edition

Davidoff’s brand history is rich in exceptional cigar innovations and iconic achievements. Back in their time, these innovations were groundbreaking and caused quite a stir in the cigar world with their excellence in craftsmanship and their uniqueness.

Davidoff concludes its successful “Cigar History Re-Rolled” series with a grand finale that will also go down in the history of the brand: The Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition Collection. Different from the previous three releases in the series, this cigar delights with a new special format
and a unique blend.

The Diademas Finas, which has never before been part of the Grand Cru line-up, has an even stronger connection to the world of wine. For the first time, Davidoff has reflected the notes of a Rive Droite Bordeaux, namely citrus, dark cherries and walnut, in a cigar. This has been achieved by blending the three main tobaccos in the filler, just as a Bordeaux is blended with three different main grape varieties. In addition, Davidoff aged one of the filler tobaccos in a Premier Grand Cru Classé red wine cask from Bordeaux, which has never been done before by anyone else. The Dominican San Vicente seco is a finer leaf, which absorbs more of the aroma from the cask and thus helps the cigar resemble the fruity character of the wine. The figurado highlights the remarkable skill of the rollers and allows aficionados to gradually unveil this assemblage of perfection.




6 3/4 x 50


Mild to Medium Cigar Flavor Indicator



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