Lemon Flower Fragrance


It is a celebration, like fireworks, or a procession of golden fruits; the Lemon Flower Home Fragrance is a festive day, a sparkling incentive for good humour due to the freshness of its citrus notes and its energetic bouquet of lemon, neroli and orange blossom


Lemon, Lime


Neroli, Lime


Vetiver, Orange Blossom


Fragrance Special! Buy 3 Fragrances & Get 1 Free! *Equal or lesser value while supplies last.

1 review for Lemon Flower Fragrance

  1. ReceivingAdmin

    There was a time in my life that my poor beagle got sprayed by a skunk. I burned this fragrance and it got rid of the skunk smell in my home. Recommended for getting rid of strong odors for sure!

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