With a 41 ring gauge, this cigar is ideal for when time is scarce, but the need to savor every moment remains. The Davidoff Signature Petit Corona provides an intense release of flavors, yet refrains from overpowering the palate. Comparable in taste to the Signature 6000, one can expect a slight, added intensity with the same elegant, woody, and earthy aromas and a particularly creamy aftertaste. Experience a 25 minute smoking experience with an Ecuador Sun Grown wrapper, along with binder and filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic.
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12003 Huebner
San Antonio, TX 78230
Mon-Sat: 10-9
Sun: 12-6
2235 Thousand Oaks Ste 104
San Antonio, TX 78232
Mon-Sat: 10-9
Sun: 12-6
7074 San Pedro Ave
San Antonio, TX 78216
Mon-Sat: 8:30-8
Sun: 11-5
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